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Compare two strings in the collection.
Source position: objects.pp line 465
function TStrCollection.Compare( |
Key1: Pointer; |
Key2: Pointer |
):Sw_Integer; virtual; |
TStrCollection overrides the Compare function so it compares the two keys as if they were pointers to strings. The compare is done case sensitive. It returns
Compare two items in the collection. |
Program ex38; { Program to demonstrate the TStrCollection.Compare method } Uses Objects,Strings; Var C : PStrCollection; S : String; I : longint; P : Pchar; begin Randomize; C:=New(PStrCollection,Init(120,10)); C^.Duplicates:=True; { Duplicates allowed } Writeln ('Inserting 100 records at random places.'); For I:=1 to 100 do begin Str(Random(100),S); S:='String with value '+S; P:=StrAlloc(Length(S)+1); C^.Insert(StrPCopy(P,S)); end; For I:=0 to 98 do With C^ do If Compare (At(I),At(I+1))=0 then Writeln ('Duplicate string found at position ',I); Dispose(C,Done); end.