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Compare two strings in the collection.
Source position: objects.pp line 454
function TStringCollection.Compare( |
Key1: Pointer; |
Key2: Pointer |
):Sw_Integer; virtual; |
TStringCollection overrides the Compare function so it compares the two keys as if they were pointers to strings. The compare is done case sensitive. It returns the following results:
Compare two items in the collection. |
Program ex37; { Program to demonstrate the TStringCollection.Compare method } Uses Objects; Var C : PStringCollection; S : String; I : longint; begin Randomize; C:=New(PStringCollection,Init(120,10)); C^.Duplicates:=True; { Duplicates allowed } Writeln ('Inserting 100 records at random places.'); For I:=1 to 100 do begin Str(Random(100),S); S:='String with value '+S; C^.Insert(NewStr(S)); end; For I:=0 to 98 do With C^ do If Compare (At(i),At(I+1))=0 then Writeln ('Duplicate string found at position ',i); Dispose(C,Done); end.